Discover the power of a personalized wardrobe. Laurie’s expertise revolves around highlighting your natural coloring, accentuating your physique, and catering to your unique lifestyle so you can set yourself apart in any situation, whether a business meeting, formal event, or exotic vacation.

  • To begin, Laurie conducts a comprehensive assessment of your lifestyle, personal style, body type, height, and coloring. Then Laurie helps you define a distinctive look that radiates confidence and perfectly captures the essence of who you are and the image you wish to project.

    “Laurie helped me build a professional wardrobe from the ground up.”

    - Bethany, Luxury Real Estate Specialist

  • To complete your stunning transformation, Laurie focuses on the finishing touches, selecting the perfect jewelry, watches, and other accessories to complement your style. She uses sentimental elements, such as birthstones, to create a truly personalized and meaningful collection. These carefully chosen accessories elevate your outfits and enhance your overall image.

    “Laurie found amazing pieces I wouldn’t have considered for myself.”

    -Gretchen, Investor

  • Laurie's guidance extends way beyond your initial styling experience to ensure you maintain and evolve your signature style so you look your best, no matter where life takes you. With seasonal updates and refinements, your wardrobe and accessories stay aligned with your personal brand, maintaining a fresh, stylish, and relevant look.

    “Laurie brought well-thought order to the years of chaos in my closet”

    - Brian H, President, Board Member, Investor

“Laurie brought well-thought order to the years of chaos in my closet”

- Brian H, President, Board Member, Investor